Welcome to Newcastle Performance Physiotherapy’s blog, where we will endeavour to provide education and access to resources and information at a level never before seen in Newcastle. Look out in the not too distant future for videos on how to tape, warm up advice, pain management and common injuries. For now, let me start off by providing some information about what we do and how we are different. This is for people who have seen a physio in the past and have been put off the profession, or who see another health provider and have an unclear idea as to what we actually do.
Myth number one – physios only treat injured muscles
Absolutely we do, but we treat every moving part in the body. Be it sore backs, necks, feet, headaches or shoulders. If it’s mechanical, we can fix it. The patterns in which we move are so complex that it rarely is JUST a muscle, and often they suffer the effects, rather than the cause. Injuries and pain result in a great number of changes that need to be properly assessed and rehabilitated.
Myth number two – physios just use a couple of machines and then give you some exercises.
Unfortunately, this is still true of some practices, but is a total myth at Newcastle Performance Physio! We don’t even own any machines! We are a science and evidence based practice. We focus on assessing and improving your movement and showing you how to maintain your performance so you don’t have to keep coming back. Exercise is a big part of it, but we only get you working on your deficits until you work properly, then send you off back into the action.
Ultimately if you are still unsure if we are right for you and your issue, give us a call or drop in for a chat, email, Facebook, whatever your favourite mode of communication. We are always happy to help.
Until next time