Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I’d like to wish all the Newcastle Performance Physio extended family a happy and healthy holiday period filled with love, good times and plenty of top quality food and booze.

As such I will keep this short and let you get back to it, apart from saying we have had a massive year with Fab starting, moving premises, starting new classes, it has absolutely flown by.

We of course love every second of it and I personally would like to thank each of you for trusting us with you and your family’s health. We are driven to improve the health landscape and literacy of Newcastle and are only just getting started.

2018 promises to be huge for us, i’ll be starting strength and conditioning sessions and classes and Fab will continue to expand the Pilates options so stay tuned and please let us know if you have any questions.

As always we are always available if you need any health and exercise related advice. This time of year is flooded with programs and deals designed to make you feel guilty about enjoying a festive christmas. They are short term, low-yield, wallet busters. Your health is an investment and you have to play the long game.

Enjoy yourselves, be safe and be good to each other.

Dave and Fab

also, check out the video here  for some inspiration for NYE!!