A big question we get asked in the clinic with people that come to see us for recurrent problems is why did this happen again? And there’s lots of reasons, but the big reason that we tend to come back to is that the first time the rehab wasn’t hard enough, or it wasn’t long enough, or it wasn’t good enough. So when you’re injured, you’ve gotta make sure that you work harder than normal to get back to normal. Otherwise you leave yourself open for doing it again. And if there’s one bad thing about getting injured and missing out on all the fun things that you do with your life, it’s having to do the same thing again. So the first time that it happens, make sure you work hard enough and long enough and well enough to give yourself the least possible chance that you’re ever gonna have to do the same thing again.https://youtube.com/shorts/TuFWqESebnM?feature=share