Pain – Structure-Function

June 10, 2022

We see a lot of people with problems, painful problems and injury problems and particularly when they’re big and acute problems and they’re very painful. It can seem like all these things, how painful it is, the health of your tissue, or what you’ve actually done and what you can do with it, it can feel like they’re all wrapped up in the one big problem. Particularly if you’ve had some investigations and you’ve been given a state of the tissues on a report, often you feel like all of these are linked completely and they’re certainly related there’s no doubt about that. But a lot of the time, the problems that we deal with, we need to change the function, we need to get you back doing what you want to do and it’s easier if we can change the pain so it makes you be able to do that. But sometimes we don’t have to change the structure, particularly if the tissue is such that we’re not going to change it. What I want you to think about is does that mean that we can’t change pain? And does that mean that we can’t change the function? If you roll your ankle and damage ligaments, the structure will be injured, but they’ll heal. But sometimes if you’ve got osteoarthritis, for example, or some tissue in your back, that’s been imaged on a scan and has been shown to be not perfect, structure probably won’t change. But what we can do is change the pain, and we can still get you back to doing what you love. So while pain, structure and function are related when you have a big problem, they’re not the same thing. So if you are putting up with a problem for longer than you need to or you’re not able to do what you want, perhaps we need to just try and separate pain, structure and function for you.